Traffic Attorney for Criminal Traffic, Reckless/Racing, Hit & Run, Driving While Suspended/Without License, Negligent Driving, Open Container, Expungements.

We are experienced Traffic Ticket Lawyers who provide aggressive legal representation in court, act as your agent in negotiating alternative outcomes to contested hearings, and provide advice and counsel to our clients in the best methods to minimize the potential impact of a traffic violation given your specific circumstances.  For a free consultation call 206-816-9110, or fill out the form below for a callback.


The Law Office of Antone Weber represents clients who have received criminal traffic or related issues in the greater Puget Sound area. Unlike traffic infractions, a criminal traffic violation can result in not just fine but also jail time, extended probation periods, suspension of a license to drive and a criminal record.  Non-citizens could have impacts on their immigration status as well.

We provide aggressive legal representation in court, act as your agent in negotiating alternative outcomes to contested hearings, and provide advice and counsel to our clients in the best methods to minimize the potential impact of a criminal traffic violation given your specific circumstances.

Going to court for any reason can be a nerve-wracking experience. Anyone has the right to represent him or herself in court, but that right does not automatically translate into knowing how best to do so. By retaining an attorney to represent you, you are able to draw not only on a pool of knowledge and expertise but experience about what may be the best course of action in a particular court, or given your specific circumstances.

Washington State and City Traffic Court procedures can and do vary from court to court. They seldom work as they do in television programs. What is a persuasive argument that may result in a traffic infraction being dismissed can also vary from court to court, and is also subject to change over time. Individual Prosecutor’s Offices also have different procedures, which may effect what can be done about your ticket.

The Law Office of Antone Weber have over 16 years of experience in Washington District and Municipal hearings. In most instances, once we have been retained for representation we will take care of any paperwork.  Unfortunately you will also need to come to court, as appearance by defendants is mandatory in criminal cases . Our charges for a case are based on a flat fee, and include all of our costs. However, while we cannot guarantee a result based on past experience, only a few percent of the over 7000 cases that Mr. Weber has personally handled have been found to have been committed as written.

How We Can Help.

If you would like to know more about your Washington Traffic Ticket and what we might be able to do for you, please call us at 206-916-9110.  A Consultation is free.

You may also contact us for a free consultation callback regarding how we may be able to help using the following form:

You should receive a call within a few hours, as we may be in court.

After business hours submissions will be returned the following day.

    Please attach copy of your ticket if possible. pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|txt or other image. limit:2mb

    Use of this Submission Form or the Consultation are confidential, but does not create an attorney-client relationship.